Purell Advanced Workforce Solutions - A Study

Posted by CovestAdmin on Oct 26, 2016 10:08:16 AM

The Medical Mutual of Ohio and GOJO industries 13-month outcome study on hand hygiene is the first study to prove that a comprehensive hand hygiene program reduces healthcare claims due to hand hygiene preventable illnesses. This study was presented at the 2016 CoVest Member Meeting and here are the results:

The cost of healthcare per employee is expensive and rising. Companies need a solution that is inexpensive, can keep people healthier and is easy to implement. The GOJO / Medical Mutual outcome study did just that by gauging the impact of a comprehensive workplace hand hygiene program on healthcare claims / costs, and analyzing absenteeism and employee perceptions in the workplace.

Elements of study

The PURELL Advanced Workforce Solution comprised of 3 locations throughout the workplace:

  • Restroom1422997567463.png
  • High Touch Common AreasSCENT-FREE-WIPES.jpg
  • Personal Workspace

The company's restroom featured GOJO soap and Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer. The high touch areas used Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer and personal workspaces incorporated both the Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer and the Purell Hand Sanitizing Wipes.


Over the course of the 13-month study, the most unique and significant finding was that by simply placing PURELL® products throughout the facility, Medical Mutual was able to reduce visits to a doctor (and their insurance claims and costs) for hand hygiene preventable illnesses by over 24%. This reduction claim only enables the Purell Advanced Workforce Solution to pay for itself WITHOUT even factoring the cost benefits tied to reducing absenteeism and presentism.


Purell Advanced Workforce Solution was able to reduce visits to a doctor for hand hygiene preventable illnesses by over 24% 

Past studies have generated a statistically significant reduction in absenteeism and the Purell Advanced Workforce Solution confirmed this reduction while also proving that the employees not only valued the program but were more conscientious about staying healthy. That's right, the Purell Advanced Workforce Solution created a more positive impression of the workplace than such office staples as coffee and a recycling program. There was even a more positive view of coworkers due to the mere presence of Purell.

The 13-month study proved successful with the GOJO / Medical Mutual outcome study being the first of its kind to work with insurance company and healthcare claim data to specifically pinpoint the effectiveness of hand hygiene against only those illnesses it is designed to prevent.


About GOJO 

GOJO Industries, Inc., is a privately held manufacturer of hand hygiene and skin care products. Its best known product is Purell instant hand sanitizer.

Founded in 1946, in Akron, Ohio, GOJO has a history of investing in innovation, capital equipment and workforce. Today GOJO leads in sustainability by serving a new standard in recycling ease, material minimization, and eco-friendly formulations that employees love. Find out more by visiting their website at, http://www.gojo.com


For a deeper analysis of the cost and benefits of Purell Advanced Workforce Solution's Hand Hygiene Program, click the image below. 

Workplace hygiene

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